CFO Services

Let us be your part-time CFO. AskTheCFO, Inc. specializes in providing part-time CFO / Controller services for small to medium size Read more...


The Company

AskTheCFO, Inc. was founded in 1998 to bring senior level financial services to small to medium sized entrepreneurial and distressed companies. Read more...

Financing Assistance

One of the most important points for entrepreneurs and managers to remember is that there is no cookbook recipe to follow for obtaining business financing.


Ask The CFO

cfo services

Do you have a question you would like to ask? Ask the CFO. Maybe there was that question that you asked your accountant and you didn’t understand his answer. Ask the CFO. Perhaps, you just did not feel comfortable asking your accountant the question. Ask the CFO. Do you have a question about dealing with your banker or lender, obtaining new financing, your accountant, difficult vendors, customers or service providers or a specific problem or issue that you need assistance with. Ask the CFO.


CFO Blog


AskTheCFO, Inc. was founded in 1998 to bring senior level financial services to small to medium sized entrepreneurial and distressed companies. We have partnered with and developed trusted relationships in the corporate, venture capital, private equity, legal and financial communities.



Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q : I have a Controller, do I still need a CFO?

A : The controller is an in house accountant with experience to manage an accounting staff and be responsible for the accounting activities of the company.

Q : Can't my CPA Firm do what you are doing?

A : No. Your independent CPA cannot perform our services because they must remain independent.


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